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Golf Rangefinder Batteries

18650 Gaialoop Precision Pro Golf
AOFAR GX-2S Garmin Precision Pro NX7 Slope
AOFAR HX-1200T Hunting GoGo GS03 Precision Pro NX9 Slope
AOFAR Slope GX-6F GoGoGo Sport Vpro Profey F6
Blue Tees Golf Golf Buddy Radio Shack 55026650
Blue Tees Golf Series 2 Pro Homiee GR1001 Raythor Pro Gen S2
Blue Tees Golf Series 3 Max Izzo Swami SkyGolf
Boblov HLX077-YW0016 Leica Rangemaster 2800.COM Sonocaddie
Bozily Magellan Stellate
Bushnell MILESEEY Slope GPF12 SG Surgoal GS-7
Callaway MILESEEY PF3S Swing Caddie SC300
Celestron CoursePro MILESEEY PF210 Symoniot Golf M9
Clarion Map 770, 780 Moesapu TecTecTec PROWILD
Clio Nikon Coolshot Pro II TecTecTec VPRO500
CR2 Nikon Prostaff 1000i Tidewe HD-700E
CR123A OnCourse Star III Upside
Donzy R800 OneTwoFit Slope Edition Visioncrest
Dual XGPS160 SkyPro Oubel Golf Visionking VS6X25CH
Finchley SS1000 Papago F210 Vortex Optics
FireDogGolf XL2300 Piidotwit Wosports H-100

If you don't see your GPS manufacturer or battery listed call 1-888-966-2299 or send an email to sales@batterycanada.com

Also see:
Survey GPS Batteries

Outline Model Type Capacity Price  Order
ballmount GPS Hands-Free kit
(The advantage of this mount is that only a very thin non magnetic steel plate - the size of a postage stamp - is attached to your phone)
. . $19.95 Click to order
& see details
Red Powerbank CS-PW003R Li-ion 5.0v
$27.00 Click to order
White Powerbank CS-PW003W Li-ion 5.0v
$27.00 Click to order